Define: Uncover Your Potential

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Process Definition

Clarify your processes to streamline your operations.

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Strategic Planning

Explore our strategic planning services and set the stage for success.

Measure: Gauge Your Success

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Performance Metrics

Identify your KPIs & OKRs and measure what matters.

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Analysis Tools

Analyze for impact. Check out our advanced analysis tools.

Analyze: Dive Deeper into Data

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Problem Analysis

Get to the root with thorough problem-analysis techniques.

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Data Interpretation

Make data meaningful and turn data into actionable insights.

Improve: Elevate Your Operations

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Improvement Strategies

Witness effective change with our improvement strategies.

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Change Management

Manage your transformation.
Learn change management.

Control: Sustain Your Growth

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Sustainability Practices

Ensure lasting results. Learn about our sustainability practices.

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Long-term Monitoring

Keep improving. Understand our long-term monitoring methods.

Kaizen : Continuous Improvement

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Kaizen Culture

Build a culture of growth. Learn how we set up continuous improvement.

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Case Studies

Witness actual results. Explore our use cases and real-life examples.

Preliminary Audit Offered

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Expert Analysis

Get your personalized audit and unleash your potential.

TOFU: Attract and Educate

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Awareness Creation

Spark interest with targeted, meaningful content.

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Lead Generation

Engage potential customers with effective lead gen strategies.

MOFU: Nurture and Convert

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Lead Nurturing

Develop relationships with personalized content.

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Conversion Tactics

Implement strategies to turn interest into action.

BOFU: Convert and Close

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Sales Enablement

Equip your team with tactics to close deals effectively.

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Closing Techniques

Learn proven tactics for successful deal closures.

Post-BOFU: Retain and Grow

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Customer Retention

Strategies for keeping customers engaged post-sale.

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Loyalty Schemes

Develop initiatives that encourage repeat business.

Full-Funnel & Hybrid Solutions

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Full-Funnel Mastery

Seamlessly connect TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU stages.

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Blend Marketing Methods

Combine traditional techniques and data-driven tactics.

Preliminary Audit Offered

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Quick Insight

Jumpstart your strategy with our no-cost, expert audit.

Discover our FREE Inbound Marketing Tool Kit on Notion 🚀

Unlock Value with Koonden's Pricing Model

Flexible Pricing,
Maximum Value

Koonden's pricing model is crafted for value, matching the intensity, insight, and innovation your goals demand. Our plans accommodate any budget, ensuring maximum impact and a fit for every ambition.
Empower your brand today with flexible solutions that boost web traffic, accelerate customer engagement, and amplify your market presence for unparalleled growth and measurable return on investment (ROI).

OPTION 1: Performance-Based Pricing Options

Our Performance-Based Pricing Options are designed to align our success with yours. Under this model, we charge a fixed fee for the initial setup and management of your marketing campaigns. Additionally, we earn a commission based on the results we deliver. This could include metrics such as sales growth, lead generation, or specific KPIs agreed upon before the initiation of the project. Learn more about Koonden’s 120-Day Roadmap



Risk Reduction: You pay primarily based on the results we achieve, which minimizes your financial risk.


Aligned Interests: Our team is motivated to perform exceptionally, as our compensation is directly tied to the success of your campaigns.


Flexibility: This model is perfect for businesses looking for a low-risk way to try new marketing strategies and gauge their effectiveness without a significant upfront investment.

Why Choose This Option

Choose our Performance-Based Pricing if you’re looking for a partnership where the marketing agency is as invested in your success as you are. It’s ideal for businesses that want to ensure their marketing spend is directly correlated to tangible outcomes.

Retainer-Based Pricing Options

Do you have a clear idea of your marketing resource needs and the budget you wish to allocate to successfully carry out your marketing or content strategies? Why not consider a flat-rate model?

Do you have a clear idea of your marketing resource needs and the budget you wish to allocate to successfully carry out your marketing or content strategies? Why not consider a flat-rate model?

> Marketing & Sales Strategies

Discover the power of a customer-centric marketing and sales strategy mixing outbound and inbound marketing techniques. Our tailored plans prioritize customer needs, creating personalized experiences that drive engagement, loyalty, and growth.

Discover the power of a customer-centric marketing and sales strategy mixing outbound and inbound marketing techniques. Our tailored plans prioritize customer needs, creating personalized experiences that drive engagement, loyalty, and growth.

IGNITION Plan | Essentials
One-off project payment
Kickstart your journey with outbound campaigns, targeted ads, or more at any funnel stage. Quick web traffic boosts & engagement with low investment—a prime choice for SMBs or first-time clients needing high-impact solutions with clear ROI.
Transform your marketing effort with minimal investment
No commitment
EXPANSION Plan | Advanced
From €
/ month
Get full-funnel support for market entry, lead generation, and pipeline growth. This comprehensive suite is ideal for established businesses aiming for sustainable expansion. Enhance brand and customer relationships with a balanced investment approach.
Drive your business growth with strategic marketing support
No commitment
ZENITH Plan | Premium
From €
/ month
Outsource your marketing and sales operations to achieve significant market impact through tailored strategies, gaining deep insights and dedicated support. Designed for top-tier players with ambitious revenue targets in competitive industries.
Optimize and scale your marketing for profitable growth

> Content Strategy

Content must be crafted to resonate with your audience. Therefore, we optimize quality, align with your goals, and integrate seamlessly with your broader strategy. The result? A content marketing strategy that captivates, converts, and builds lasting relationships.

Content must be crafted to resonate with your audience. Therefore, we optimize quality, align with your goals, and integrate seamlessly with your broader strategy. The result? A content marketing strategy that captivates, converts, and builds lasting relationships.

QUICKSCAN Audit | Essentials
One-off project payment
Achieve superior performance with Koonden's QuickScan Audit & Recommendations. Get actionable insights against competitors, highlighting performance gaps and optimization paths for strategic content alignment.
Benchmark your content strategy and get actionable insights
No commitment
FORGE Plan | Advanced
From €
/ month
Koonden's Forge Plan elevates your brand with ongoing content strategy and optimization, boosting traffic, visibility, conversions, and engagement. We ensure content dynamically aligns with audience needs and brand voice builds trust.
Elevate your content strategy and deploy inbound marketing tactics
No commitment
PIONEER Plan | Premium
From €
/ month
Our Pioneer Plan propels your market presence and customer engagement with advanced, resonating content strategies. You get a deep audience connection while we establish a formidable competitive edge with innovative content.
Implement a winning strategy with a top-notch content approach

Wanna explore more pricing options?

Project-Based Pricing Options

Our Project-Based Pricing Options are straightforward and transparent. We charge a flat rate for specific projects, which will be clearly defined in scope and duration before any work begins. Examples of project-based engagements include website redesigns, market research reports, or short-term advertising campaigns.



Predictability: Know exactly what you will pay upfront, which aids in budgeting and financial planning.


Clear Scope and Objectives: Each project is defined with clear objectives, deliverables, and timelines, ensuring all parties are aligned.


Expertise on Demand: Access our specialized skills and knowledge for the duration of your project without the need for a long-term commitment.

Why Choose This Option

Opt for our Project-Based Pricing if you have specific, short-term needs that require expert attention. This option is perfect for companies that need to address a particular challenge or opportunity without the ongoing commitment of a retainer.

Why Choose
Koonden Plans?

Why Choose
Koonden Plans?

Need a tailored marketing plan? We've got you covered. Our experts analyze your business, operations, systems, goals, and market environment to recommend the optimal strategies and investment level. We're transparent about pricing, so you'll know precisely how we determine our fees. They are mainly influenced by:

Your budget

It allows to determine the scope of work, and ensure the marketing efforts don't break the bank.

Your website size

It helps evaluate the baseline for your digital presence and all the required improvements.

CRM & analytics

These platforms' integration is a must for data management, tracking and measurement.

Your sales funnel

We review your existing funnel and check its impact on lead nurturing and conversion strategies.

Your target keywords

We thoroughly research the best keywords for SEO and continuously monitor performance.


We divide your audiences into subgroups based on shared characteristics and interests.

Advertising platforms

We enable your teams to target specific audiences with ads across various channels.

Tests & optimization

We improve marketing efficacy & ROI through iterative testing and ongoing data analysis.

Updates frequency

It ensures strategies' relevance and alignment with evolving market trends and technologies.

Need to increase your market impact?

Trusted by Leaders

Koonden amplifies client success with tailored solutions, acclaimed by industry leaders for driving significant business evolution. Read testimonials on our transformative B2B marketing approach and sales cycle reduction tactics.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pricing

Navigating Koonden's pricing can raise several questions, especially for businesses looking to maximize their investment in marketing and sales strategies. Here are some frequently asked questions to help clarify our approach to pricing.

How does Koonden structure its pricing?

Pricing is primarily determined by the scale of your campaigns, the complexity of your sales funnel, the level of personal account management required, and the frequency of optimizations, ensuring you get a plan that fits your budget and objectives.

Absolutely. Koonden offers flexible plans that can be adjusted as your business grows or your needs change. We're here to support your journey, not just a one-time strategy.

No, we believe in transparency. All potential costs are discussed upfront, including any specific requirements affecting pricing, like platform integrations or the extent of campaign segmentation.

While specific ROI can vary, our clients typically see significant improvements in lead generation, conversion rates, and sales growth within the first 6 months of engagement. We work closely with you to set realistic expectations and deliver measurable results.

We offer a range of payment options designed to accommodate the budgetary constraints of startups and SMBs, including phased payments and scalable plans that grow with your business.

Integration with advanced platforms may incur additional costs, which are always communicated upfront. These costs depend on the complexity of the integration and the platforms involved.

Want to get personalized answers?

Kickstart Your Koonden Experience

Kickstart Your Koonden Experience

We invite you to connect with us for a FREE discovery call. It will kickstart our standard onboarding process, which includes an assessment of your business needs, goal setting, and crafting a customized strategy.

Let's embark on your growth journey

Discover our 120 Days Growth Process