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Clinical Trials Content Strategy Drives Engagement

Content Boosts Clinical
Trials Firm's Growth

This case study demonstrates how our content strategy transformed a clinical trials organization's communication. By combining clinical expertise with streamlined content governance, Koonden helped the organization effectively articulate its strengths in a way that resonated with their global target audience. Aligning your content perfectly with your audience's needs and behaviors drives high engagement and conversion rates.

Key results


Increase in Client Interactions


Boost in Social


Better Content Production

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Client Background:
Clinical Trials Expertise
in Need of Expression

While the organization had a strong foundation in conducting critical clinical trials for the pharmaceutical and biotech industries, their approach to communicating these complex subjects to a broader audience and prospective clients was lacking. The need for an effective content strategy that resonated with their audience and supported their marketing goals was clear.

Challenges: Throughout the Sales Funnel


Content Production, Distribution & Governance: While knowledgeable in their field, the medical experts lacked the expertise in crafting engaging and SEO-friendly content that could reach a wider audience.


Sales Funnel Integration: The organization struggled with effectively incorporating the stages of the sales funnel into their content while properly establishing a structured information architecture.


Aligning Content with Marketing Objectives: There was a significant gap in creating content that informed while remaining aligned with the company's strategic marketing objectives.

Strategic Approach: Crafting a Dynamic Content Strategy

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Content Taxonomy

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Crafting a detailed taxonomy as the backbone for the content calendar, aligning content types and topics with sales funnel stages.

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Content Factory

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Implementing a systemized approach to content creation for consistent quality and tone reflecting expertise and values.

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Engagement Channels

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Deploying targeted digital marketing campaigns to leverage content across platforms, maximizing reach and engagement with the audience.

Implementation: Content Expertise for Clinical Trials


Tailored Coaching Programs: Organizing workshops and coaching sessions for medical experts to hone their skills in content production, focusing on engaging storytelling, and SEO best practices.


Regular Editorial Brainstorming Sessions: Facilitated frequent brainstorming meetings encouraging creative content ideas aligned with market trends and the organization's marketing goals.


Systematic Content Calendar Development: Creating a strategic content calendar based on the established taxonomy, guiding the organization in producing timely, relevant, and targeted content.


Integrated Analytics and Feedback Loops: Implementing a robust analytics system to monitor content performance, gather audience feedback, and refine strategies for continuous improvement.

Results & Impact: Improving Clinical Trials Content

Elevated Content Quality


Post-training content was markedly more engaging, with a 43% increase in interactions and website dwell time.

Audience Engagement Boost


Audience engagement metrics surged, with a 47% increase in social media engagement and a 45% rise in shares.

Streamlined Content Production


The time required to take content from concept to publication was reduced by 38%. More agility with market needs.

Improved SEO Performance


Content visibility in search engine rankings significantly improved, leading to a 42% increase in organic traffic and higher conversion rates.

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Analysis & Learning:
The Power of Strategic
Content Alignment

This case study showcases how Koonden's strategic approach transformed the organization's content production. By marrying medical expertise with streamlined content management, Koonden helped the organization articulate its strengths in a language convincing their target audience.

Is your Content Strategy
Optimized for your Audience?

Your content strategy should perfectly align with your audience's needs, interests, and behaviors, ensuring high engagement, satisfaction, and conversion rates through targeted, relevant, and valuable content.

Improve Your Content Strategy

Enhancing your content strategy involves analyzing audience insights, refining content delivery, and integrating innovative formats to boost engagement, retention, and conversions, ultimately driving business growth. Let's do it!

Ready to review your content strategy?