Define: Uncover Your Potential

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Process Definition

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Strategic Planning

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Measure: Gauge Your Success

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Performance Metrics

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Analysis Tools

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Analyze: Dive Deeper into Data

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Problem Analysis

Get to the root with thorough problem-analysis techniques.

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Data Interpretation

Make data meaningful and turn data into actionable insights.

Improve: Elevate Your Operations

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Improvement Strategies

Witness effective change with our improvement strategies.

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Change Management

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Learn change management.

Control: Sustain Your Growth

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Sustainability Practices

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Long-term Monitoring

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Kaizen : Continuous Improvement

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Kaizen Culture

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Case Studies

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Preliminary Audit Offered

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Expert Analysis

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TOFU: Attract and Educate

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Awareness Creation

Spark interest with targeted, meaningful content.

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Lead Generation

Engage potential customers with effective lead gen strategies.

MOFU: Nurture and Convert

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Lead Nurturing

Develop relationships with personalized content.

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Conversion Tactics

Implement strategies to turn interest into action.

BOFU: Convert and Close

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Sales Enablement

Equip your team with tactics to close deals effectively.

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Closing Techniques

Learn proven tactics for successful deal closures.

Post-BOFU: Retain and Grow

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Customer Retention

Strategies for keeping customers engaged post-sale.

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Loyalty Schemes

Develop initiatives that encourage repeat business.

Full-Funnel & Hybrid Solutions

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Full-Funnel Mastery

Seamlessly connect TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU stages.

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Blend Marketing Methods

Combine traditional techniques and data-driven tactics.

Preliminary Audit Offered

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Scaling B2B HR SaaS Solutions for the Enterprise Market

Repositioning B2B HR SaaS for Enterprise Clients

A leading B2B HR SaaS provider of ATS and global payroll solutions sought to expand beyond serving SMBs and SMEs. To attract large enterprises, global consulting firms, and tech companies over 10K employees, they needed to reposition their brand and enhance offerings through strategic customization and compliance capabilities.

Key results


increase in engagement


reduction in sales cycle time


compliance rate achieved

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Client Background:
Established Presence
in SMB & SME Market

The client had built a reputation as a reliable ATS, HR project management, and payroll solution provider for small and medium businesses but limited their perceived ability to handle enterprise-scale needs. They wanted to operate on a white-label model with Koonden, allowing marketing and sales solutions to be customized.

Challenges: Scaling to the Enterprise Market


Brand Perception as SMB-Focused: Overcoming the existing brand image as an SMB solution was crucial in convincing large enterprises of their capabilities.


Complex Customization and Integration Needs: Large enterprises require highly customized solutions integrated into existing HR systems and workflows.


Ensuring Global Compliance and Localization: Meeting the diverse legal and cultural requirements across multiple countries was critical for global expansion.


Longer Sales Cycles Involving Multiple Stakeholders: Sales processes are longer, with extended decision-making timelines involving various stakeholders.

Strategic Approach: A Blueprint for Enterprise Expansion

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Brand Evolution

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Rebranding emphasized the system's adaptability and capacity for scaling to meet enterprise needs.

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Customization Focus

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Advanced custom features and API integration solutions to specific operational requirements.

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Compliance Assurance

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A dedicated team for global legal compliance, facilitating international and local operations.

Implementation: A Systemized Approach to Content Creation


Tailored Messaging: Custom software content marketing development to meet unique enterprise needs while showcasing flexibility and innovation.


Expertise Workshops: Global HR compliance workshops highlighting the client's deep understanding of international HR challenges.


Collaborative Marketing: Co-marketing campaigns with several consulting firms to amplify reach and credibility in new markets.


Results & Impact: Developed pilot programs to enable enterprises to experience and validate the effectiveness of the client's solutions.

Results & Impact: Transformative Growth

Retention Skyrockets Significantly


Customized solutions enhanced client loyalty, notably increasing significant enterprise retention rates.

Global Footprint Expands


15 countries added. Focusing on compliance enabled expansion into new international markets.

Leads Surge Noticeably


Strategic co-marketing with partners amplified visibility, boosting inbound lead generation by 24%.

Pilot Success Demonstrated


Pilot programs validated our solutions' effectiveness, multiplying conversion rates (+50% success rate).

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Analysis & Learning:
Strategic Growth Insights

This success story illustrates the power of precise market positioning, crucial customization, and compliance in redefining brand perception among enterprise clients. Koonden helped the client amplify its credibility through strategic partnerships and unlocking direct pathways to new markets.

Does Your HR Software Meet Enterprise Demands?

This case study illustrates Koonden's knowledge and understanding of the B2B HR SaaS industry. Our unwavering adaptability to the shifting landscapes of the client's target audience needs has ensured the offerings remain relevant and vital, securing its position as a trusted partner for the long haul.

Ready to scale?

Koonden can help reposition your B2B HR SaaS solution for the enterprise market through strategic branding, customization, and global compliance capabilities.

Start Scaling your Enterprise Reach Today.